Strengthening Ukraine's cyber defense by refusing to use Russian software

The escalation of military aggression on the part of Russia naturally caused a wave of external sanctions, as well as internal restrictions on the consumption and use of goods, services and software of Russian origin. Today, the refusal of such products is not only a manifestation of internal resistance to the invader, but also an urgent measure of protection against hidden threats, which during the last 10 years have regularly harmed Ukrainian business, in particular, in the form of numerous hacker attacks.

The issue of replacing Russian software is urgent and requires serious efforts from both Ukrainian state-makers and entrepreneurs. On the air of the "Espresso" TV channel, Dmytro Popinako, CEO of Innoware, provided comments on the support of the Cabinet of Ministers of the draft law "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Sanctions", in particular, on software and information resources created by Russian companies or any representatives of countries related to the activities of aggressor countries or terrorist organizations:

In the video, Dmytro shares his expert opinion on:

  • What Ukraine needs to do to win in cyberspace.
  • To what extent Ukrainian enterprises are unprotected due to the use of software products of the aggressor country and why it is not a solution to attribute these programs to the so-called "isolated" environment.
  • About the websites and software products developed in Russia that are not yet banned in Ukraine and the dangers of their further use.
  • Are there secure messengers that Russia will not be able to hack, and is it possible to use Telegram.
  • Why is the main reason for slowing down the transition process being thriftiness of enterprises. About options for solving this problem, about grants that companies can get to improve cyber security, and why the cost of switching from Russian accounting systems to international analogues cannot be low.

To get advice on the transition from Russian software products: 1С/BAS to modern, international effective solutions for enterprise management, to calculate the cost of the project specifically for your company, contact our specialists by phone: +38 044 490 22 20 or at

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